Sharepoint Business Process Automation Solution in Houston | Austin | Dallas | San Antonio | Atlanta

DESSS provides excellent business process automation solutions that help you supervise and control business processes and automate them effectively to save time and money. Automated processes give the empowerment to the users to easily create, assimilate and deploy complex workflow without any IT support. This business automation is beneficial to both administrators and users. The administrator can manage workflows for their benefits and for the benefits of the organization.

Sharepoint Business Process Automation Solution
We can help you with the following process:
  • We help you create complex workflows with no coding requirements.
  • There are widgets to handle every process.
  • A centralized administrative repository helps the administrator to manage all workflows.
  • Custom web parts enable users' accessibility to their own workflows and tasks.
  • We help you reduce IT cost by creating reusable process templates.
  • We do the initial analysis of prioritizing and streamlining the core process and finding out the business process and workflows that help your business grow.
  • We help you with inter-departmental collaboration.
  • Using BI tools relevant organizational decisions can be taken.
  • We help you with intranet and extranet integration.
  • We provide solutions that help you access external databases, web services, and external SharePoint environments.
  • We help you with processes that enable you to create, delete and modify websites.